A tiny anti-stealth puzzle game made in under 24 hours. Trigger all alarms at once to win!

[A gif showing the title screen of Alarmed!] [A gif showing an early puzzle in Alarmed!] [A gif showing a later puzzle in Alarmed!]

Released: March 2019
Developed: March 2019
Team: Joseph Henry Stadolnik IV
Tools: PICO-8
Programming Language: Lua

My Role: Solo Developer
I made the entirety of this game by myself.
My achievements on this project included:

This game was made on March 24, 2019 unofficially for the WPI 2019 Cutthroat Game Jam. The jam theme was "Reverse" and I chose the sub-theme "Hidden [in Plain Sight]," which led me to the idea of an "anti-stealth" game.

PICO-8 Forum Post